It’s hard enough to resist the year-round temptation of unhealthy food. That’s because nothing seems to satisfy like fried food, tasty but highly processed snacks, and desserts heavy on both sugar and fat. When the holidays hit, these cravings can go into overdrive. To maintain your healthy eating habits over the holidays, here are five ways you can continue to eat smart throughout December – and beyond.

1. Reality Check

Don’t make things more difficult than they need to be. The holidays are already full of temptations, so don’t start a new diet or routine now – it’s practically guaranteed to be an uphill climb. Instead, focus on fitting in as much of your usual healthy eating habits as possible into the festivities and feasts to come.

2. Change Your Pregame Routine

One of the easiest ways to help you stay on track with your eating goals is to properly prepare before the next party or holiday gathering. Drink a tall glass of water and have some healthy snacks at home before you leave to help quiet any hunger pangs and keep you from overindulging at the event.  

3. Healthy Options on the Go

Having healthy snacks on hand when running errands is a great strategy to avoid the temptation of fast food. Before you head out, put a small soft-sided cooler or insulated lunch bag in your vehicle. Make sure it has water and some of your favorite snacks in it, such as fresh fruit (apple, banana, grapes), single-serve snacks (trail mix, hummus & pretzels), protein bars, rice cakes, and oatmeal bites.

4. Bringing a Dish? Choose Wisely

Forego making your family’s famous mac and cheese or scalloped potatoes. Instead, bring a healthy option so you’ll have at least one nutritious choice at the buffet table. Roasted butternut squash with herbs and a drizzle of honey, veggie/chicken kabobs, or caprese-style skewers arranged to resemble a holiday wreath are a few good examples. Google for options if you’re out of ideas.

5. Cut Yourself Some Slack

The holidays are about coming together with family, friends, and loved ones. While this is typically done over meals, it’s important to remember the reason for the season: love, communion, and togetherness. Focus on that more than the food. You shouldn’t deprive yourself of the foods you enjoy, either. Eat some of your favorite foods – and leave the rest.

 For personalized assistance with conquering your own dietary demons – at any time of year – contact registered dietitian Jamie Schlifstein in Boca Raton, Florida, at (561) 558-7786. She can help you come up with a plan that will work for your specific needs. Happy holidays!